Spiritual Development


Both elementary and high school students attend an age-appropriate chapel service every Wednesday. It is a time for students to sing, pray, learn, and grow in their personal walk with Jesus Christ. Most weeks, outside speakers are brought in to minister to students from various perspectives. High school students enjoy participating in a Career Chapel bi-quarterly, where a Christian business man or women comes and shares their personal testimony of how God called them into their field and how they are making a spiritual impact in the secular workplace. These Career Chapels are followed by an 11th-12th grade Q&A with the speaker.

Bible Class

The Bible teaches that “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:52).

Students in grades K4-12th are enrolled in a daily Bible class. BJU Press is the primary curriculum for the younger grades, while older students are challenged with curriculums that encourage them to develop a biblical worldview.

Our goals as a Bible department are to: 1) lead the student to accept God’s gift of eternal life through faith in Christ alone, 2) develop attitudes and values consistent with the teaching of Scripture, and 3) to instill a personal relationship and accountability with God for individual behavior.

Community Service

Community Service

BBCS partners with our community throughout the year to instill a spirit of giving and service in the hearts of our students.

Students in grades 9-10th are required to have 10 hours of community service per school year in order to move on to the next grade level. Students in grades 11-12th are required to have 15 hours of community service per school year in order to move on to the next grade level.

Students may log a maximum of 5 hours for regular BBCS events. A maximum of 5 hours may be logged for local church related events.