
Dress Code

No aspect of a Christian’s testimony is as obvious as his appearance. BBCS holds that Christians should present themselves in a way that will please and honor Christ.

Appropriate clothing encourages responsible behavior. One’s personal appearance is an outward manifestation of his inner attitudes. BBCS makes no apology for the fact that we use every means at our disposal, including clothing regulations, to encourage students to think and act like ladies and gentlemen. In this regard, parents have the prime responsibility of teaching their children to live by the standards of Scripture.

Uniforms are required in the classroom for all grades, except for special announced days. The uniform requirements are outlined below.

For all students, shirts that are designed to be buttoned must be buttoned, with no more than the top button open. Body piercing and tattooing are not allowed.

Elementary Girls

Grades K4-3 are required to wear khaki or navy uniform jumpers or skirts to the bottom of the knee or loose fitting khaki, black, gray, or navy uniform slacks or knee-length shorts. Girls in grades 4-6 may wear khaki or navy skirts to the bottom of the knee as well as loose fitting uniform-style khaki, black, or navy uniform slacks or knee-length shorts. All girls are to wear white peter pan or white, red, black, or gray polo shirts with the BBCS logo.

Elementary Boys

Grades K4-6 are to wear loose fitting uniform-style black, khaki, gray, or navy pants, or knee-length shorts with a dark colored belt. Jean material is not acceptable. Shirts are to be white, red, black, or gray polo style with the BBCS logo.

High School Girls

Grades 7-12 are required to wear khaki or navy uniform skirts to the bottom of the knee and white, red, black, or gray polo-style shirts with the BBCS logo. Girls may also wear loose fitting uniform-style khaki, navy, gray, or black pants every day except Wednesdays. Loose fitting is defined as being able to gather at least two inches of material anywhere on the pants. Guidelines for dresses for school banquets, programs, and graduation will be announced prior to these events.

High School Boys

Grades 7-12 are to wear loose fitting uniform-style black, khaki, gray, or navy pants with a dark colored belt. Jean material is not acceptable. On non-chapel days, shirts are to be white, red, black, or gray polo style with the BBCS logo.


With the exception of high school students on chapel days (see High School Chapel below),  elementary and high school students may wear conservatively colored shoes (no neon or “attention-getting” outsoles, laces, fabrics) that completely cover the foot, including tennis shoes. Shoes that look like “foot gloves” are not permitted. Flip-flops or sandals may be worn to athletic events but not to classes, lunch, chapel, or other academic activities. Girls may wear black, brown, gray, or white boots year round. Socks must be a solid color that coordinates with the uniform (no neon or “attention-getting” colors or designs) and must be visible above the shoe.


7-12 students must wear the appropriate BBCS outerwear that is available from our uniform providers. Elementary students may wear the same, as well as any other zip-up jacket/sweatshirt with minimal graphics that is black, gray, red, or white. Hats for both boys and girls are not allowed in the classrooms.

Head to our facebook page and LIKE BBCS Exchange to view and purchase used uniforms!